There is no such thing as...
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Ansicht / view. 2013
Sabine Groß, Callum Innes, Ingo Meller -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
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Stephen Prina. Exquisite Corpse: The complete paintings of Manet (Jetée de Boulogne) 1991
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Sabine Groß. Find. 2010 -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
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Alan Charlton. Triangle Painting. 2012
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Stephen Prina. Exquisite Corpse: The complete paintings of Manet (Jetée de Boulogne) 1991 -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Alan Charlton. Line Painting. 1979
126 x 4,5 cm
Sabine Groß. Drama #1. 2009
80 x 73 x 49 cm
Ingo Meller. 2000/05
70 x 50,1 cm -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Callum Innes. From the Cento Series. 1995
Öl auf Papier / oil on paper
214 x 100 cm -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Sabine Groß. Vertikales Fragment. 2011
Acrylkunststoff, Pigmente, Zapponlack / acrylic resin, pigments, lacquer
170 x 29 x 9 cm -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Sabine Groß. Jackson Pollock. 2013
Print (Hahnemühle Photo Rag® 308g/m²)
71 x 56,5 cm -
„There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing“ (Mark Rothko)
„There is no such thing as a good painting about something“ (Ad Reinhardt)
Ingo Meller. 2012/08
Ölfarbe auf Leinwand / oil on canvas
89,8 x 74,7 cm
Foto: Simon Vogel